When looking for ways to design the water we found two water sources, a smaller river closer to the south and the Rio Negro to the north.
The possibility of connecting these two thourghout our site arose.
The possibility of connecting these two thourghout our site arose.
The water journey works both in a performative and an informative aspect, with the need of control during flood, rain and pollution but also through learning and experimentation. The water will pass through two treatment sections, wetlands, thin ditches and into a bigger lake. The performative aspect of the water journey leaves a solid footprint in the botanical garden.
A reservoir at the South and, a flood water buffer at the North and an informative lake in the middle will work as the main interventions. As the amount of water will change with the weather, so will the footmark in these occations.

The lake in the middle will be the main part of the water way, as we combine water treatment, educational purposes and social gathering. The placement is in connection to the entrances and the flower cultivations. We wish to balance wetlands with public involvement, as we create plazas around the lake with smaller and bigger paths connecting them.
Surrounding there will be forests which encloses the water. In the wetland zones there will grow a diversity of aquatic plants. Beside the water treatment plant there will be water basins where research on growing aquatic plants can be exercised.

In connection to the water treatment plant will there also be a laboratory for research and collaborations among scientists on water quality, algie, aquatic plants and fish. The laboratory, a exhibition area and a restaurant is gathered together on a bridge on the side of the lake.
The architecture experiments on the correlation between outside and inside, as the climate does not require isolation. Steps and stairs have been made to make the water accessible. The placement of the buildings and plazas are chosen as they enhance and balance the figures of the lake, as well as the surrounding arrangements of the other themes.