My desire is to create:
- good passages down to and on across the river
- larger outdoor area for the kindergarten
- opportunity to experience wildlife along the river
The idea is to create an exciting outdoor space around the nursery that will offer all kinds of nature experiences that are now hidden along the Alnaelva. As of today, the nursery has no relation to the river that flows by on the lower side, and I therefore want the nursery’s area to be more easily incorporated into the surrounding nature.
It is my wish that the kindergarten children should be surrounded by rich biodiversity and plenty of opportunities to play in the forest. In order to achieve this without exposing the Alna River to too much disturbance, I will make arrangements to lead an additional river above the kindergarden. This will be drawn from a higher elevation further up the Alnaelva. In this way, the children will have more direct contact with the water. This river will be led down towards Alnaelva directly behind the nursery, and along the way it will spread out and become a small pond. The pond will be shallow so that the children can play safely, with stone slabs on which to balance.
It is my wish that the kindergarten children should be surrounded by rich biodiversity and plenty of opportunities to play in the forest. In order to achieve this without exposing the Alna River to too much disturbance, I will make arrangements to lead an additional river above the kindergarden. This will be drawn from a higher elevation further up the Alnaelva. In this way, the children will have more direct contact with the water. This river will be led down towards Alnaelva directly behind the nursery, and along the way it will spread out and become a small pond. The pond will be shallow so that the children can play safely, with stone slabs on which to balance.

On the lower side of the kindergarden, I want to add a path to really observe the Alnaelva at close range. By undermining under the buildings right wing, you will be able to “hide” under the nursery building without disturbing the birdlife. The undermining will create a room with a view of the alder and hedge forest. Once you have passed the nursery, the path will draw closer to the river. The path will be elevated so that it is not in danger of eroding with the meandering river. While the path goes past the nursery area, it will act as a separator between the children’s play area and the birds’ habitat, with a fence on the side facing the Alnaelva.
As shown in the section, I want to lower the terrain around the river itself to give it more room to play. As it is today, the river is too low either to give people an opportunity to go down there or to pull the vegetation up and out on the slopes. I hope that by smoothing out the slopes directly towards the river, the growing conditions for the natural vegetation will increase. The idea is that the wider terrain will give the river room to slow down and meander to a greater extent. This is a time-dependant process, which will constantly develop. Because of this, the gray alder and hedgerow forest should be able to spread further out, and thus make room for even more birds.

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1. Shows the river as it looks today, with a visualization of the flood capacity. Today, the river passes through a small pipe under the walkway that connects the buildings on either side of the Alna river.
2. Shows the improvements I want to make with an artificial river above the nursery, the small pond, complete opening of the Alna River and a side stream from the left to handle storm water from the development.
3. Shows the first stage of the development of the meandering Alna River. Here the river bed will be raised and several ditches will be dug through which the water can flow.
4. Here it is shown how the watercourse has calmed down so much that it meanders more in smaller streams, and the flood capacity is at its maximum. With such conditions, the gray alder and hedgerow forest will thrive.